Project Details


Preconception Counselling

An informative and proactive approach to preparing for a healthy pregnancy, often involving a meeting with a healthcare professional prior to conception.
  • Benefits:
    1. Optimizes your and your partner’s health to support a healthy pregnancy.
    2. Identifies and minimizes potential risks for complications, birth defects, and other concerns.
    3. Provides opportunities for open communication, education, and emotional support.
    4. Empowers you to make informed decisions about your pregnancy journey.
    1. Family medical history and genetic screening.
    2. Chronic health conditions and medication adjustments.
    3. Immunizations and vaccination updates.
    4. Lifestyle habits, including nutrition, exercise, substance use, and environmental exposures.
    5. Mental health and emotional well-being.
    6. Financial planning and resource availability.

Who might benefit?

Individuals or couples planning a pregnancy, especially those with:
  • A family history of certain genetic conditions or birth defects.
  • Pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or epilepsy.
  • Concerns about age, weight, or other risk factors.
Anyone with questions or anxieties about pregnancy. Fetal Prenatal Care:
  • Definition: Regular medical checkups and monitoring throughout pregnancy to ensure the well-being of both the mother and developing baby.
  • Schedule: Usually begins once pregnancy is confirmed, with appointments increasing in frequency as the due date approaches.
Typical Activities:
  • Physical examinations and assessments of your health and progress.
  • Prenatal screenings and tests to detect potential issues.
  • Growth monitoring of the fetus using ultrasounds.
  • Education and guidance on nutrition, exercise, lifestyle modifications, and preparing for childbirth.
  • Emotional support and addressing any concerns.
  • Importance:
  • Early detection and management of potential complications or risks.
  • Optimization of fetal development and maternal health.
  • Improved birth outcomes and decreased risks for mother and baby.
Key Differentiators:
  • Timing: Preconceptional counseling occurs before pregnancy, while fetal prenatal care starts during pregnancy.
  • Focus: Preconceptional counselling emphasises preparation and risk reduction, while fetal prenatal care prioritises monitoring and intervention during pregnancy.
  • Providers: Preconceptional counselling may involve doctors, nurses, genetic counsellors, or other healthcare professionals, while fetal prenatal care is typically led by obstetricians and gynaecologists.
Remember, seeking professional medical advice is crucial for both preconception planning and prenatal care. Don’t hesitate to discuss your individual needs and circumstances with our qualified doctors..